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Writer's picturePhilippa DC

From Campus to Home for the Holidays

Updated: Jun 18

As the holiday season approaches, it's time for students to start packing up and heading home for the holidays for a well-deserved break.

As a student, you will undoubtedly have been looking forward to this for weeks, and now it's finally here. You've got your bags packed, your train/plane/bus ticket in hand, and you're ready to hit the road. But wait, have you got everything and did you take the bins out?! There is a lot to do before you head home for the holidays.

The Great Exodus: Students and the Holiday Scramble

As the academic term draws to a close, the campus transforms into a festive hive of activity with parties to attend, and endless goodbyes to say. The library is packed with those students who left completing their assignments to the last minute, and the coffee shops are full of caffeine-fueled scholars desperate to stay awake to finish their work before they leave.

All around you, people are talking about their travel plans and counting down the days until they can go home for the holidays. You'll see people carrying boxes of belongings, suitcases, and bags of laundry as they prepare to leave.

Everyone is looking forward to going home for the holidays and seeing their family and friends.

Home for the Holidays: The Art of Recharging

It's time to say goodbye to your dorm room, even if only for a couple of weeks. Then you can head home for some much-needed rest and relaxation.

Whether you're travelling home by train, plane, bus or car, the journey can be long and tiring. Stock up on snacks and a water bottle to avoid getting "hangry" en route and stay hydrated.

Surviving the Season: Support and Wellbeing

While the holidays are a time for joy and celebration, they can also be stressful. It's important to take care of your mental health and wellbeing during this time. If you're feeling overwhelmed, reach out for support. Your university will have counselling services or online support groups.

The UK government also provides guidance on how to take care of your mental health during the holidays, which you can find here.

Remember to take some time for yourself and recharge your batteries. Whether it's going for a walk, reading a book, chatting or taking a nap, prioritise your wellbeing.

Indulge in some festive treats – after all, it's the most wonderful time of the year - but watch the alcohol and sugar intake! And stay healthy keeping up with your intake of vitamins and supplements!


But wait, have you thought about all the logistics of your trip home? Everyone will be trying to get home at the same time, and it can be a bit overwhelming.


Summary of Things To Do Before You Go Home

As you prepare to leave campus - whether it is for the summer holidays or for the Christmas break, there are a few things you need to remember to do before you head home for the holidays. These tips will help you avoid any last-minute panic and ensure that you are ready to enjoy your holiday.

And if you haven't already packed, here's our Christmas Packing list to help you get organised.

Clean Up Your Room

Before you leave, change the sheets of your bed and air the mattress! You will want to come back next term to clean sheets, so either take them home, or do a wash before you leave.

Empty your trash bins and get rid of any perishables in the fridge or cupboard before you go. Anything close to expiration date should be thrown out or you’ll get a nasty surprise when you go back next term.

Be sure to put away any personal or sensitive items, as the cleaners will be passing by to clean the halls of residence rooms over the holidays! Leave it tidy for them to be able to clean thoroughly. Check under the bed!

Alarm Clocks

If you use an electric or electronic alarm clock, unplug it during the holidays! The neighbours won’t appreciate them going off at all hours of the day and night. So be sure to turn them off before you leave.


Make sure you’ve picked up all of your packages from the mailroom or post office and set up a forwarding service if you’re expecting anything in your absence.

Conserve Energy

Your electronics do not need to be plugged in while you’re away for three weeks. Unplug all personal chargers and items in your room to save energy and your electricity bills. Only kitchen appliances should stay plugged in.

Don't Forget Your House Keys and Passport

Remember to pack your house keys and passport if you are going home. You’d be surprised how many students forget to pack these essential items!

Lock up securely before you leave

When you leave for the holidays, use some basic common-sense security measures before you leave campus or your private home. Lock your room / flat / house door securely, close and lock your windows and draw the curtains, even if you're not on the ground floor.

Put your bike, scooter, or any other valuables in a secure place, and use a secure bike lock even if you stow it in your room.

If your car is staying on campus while you go home, make sure it's locked, parked appropriately (you don't want parking fines when you go back!) and leave nothing on the seats or in view that could be stolen.

Make a note of where you keep your room key or badge over the holidays so you can easily access your room when you return, or remember where you've put it in your luggage.

Be Nice When You Get Home!

Be kind and spare a thought for your parents and family when you get home. They will likely have been chomping at the bit to get you home and hang out with you.

While you may just want to sleep or catch up with high school friends, and enjoy your local social life, your family wants a piece of you too.

Side Note to Parents!

Let's set expectations - your student will not be the same child who left home a few months ago. They've enjoyed independence and autonomy for the past few months. Give them some space to catch up on sleep, chill out and hang with friends rather than you - like my daughter, who just wants to cuddle our dog!

By following these tips and reminders, you can ensure that you leave campus and go home for the holidays knowing you did everything right. Happy Holidays!


If you need more help or guidance on how to navigate the transition from high school to university, check out our website. There you will find useful blogs, resources, and tips on how to survive and thrive on campus.

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